Releases, Jan-April 1980 (56.22)

<<No. 56 : 30 April 1980>>

Valentina PAILODZE (trial, CCE 51.2) has completed her term of exile and returned to Tbilisi (Georgia).


In January 1980 Mikhail HEIFETZ (Kheifets) (CCE 51.10) completed his two-year term of exile (see also “The Right to Leave”, CCE 56.20).


On 24 April 1980, Gabriel SUPERFIN completed his two years in exile (CCE 51.9). For his arrest and trial, CCE 32.3.

Just before his release he was summoned to the district Soviet executive committee, where an order was read out to him. He would be kept under administrative surveillance, it said, for one year in his place of permanent residence. (Superfin had chosen live in Tartu (Estonia), since he was not allowed to live in Moscow after being sentenced under Article 70, RSFSR Criminal Code.)

Various reasons were given.

Superfin had not reformed; he possessed ‘libellous’ literature; he did not voted in the recent elections; he had infringed the regulations governing exiles.

‘Libellous literature’ is a reference to the publications confiscated from him on 30 January 1973 during a search in connection with Case No. 46012/18-76 (the order for the search was issued by Investigator Yu. Burtsev of the Moscow Procurator’s Office).

On the day of his release from from exile, almost all the confiscated books were returned to Superfin, e.g., copies of the Bible and Osip Mandelstam’s “Egyptian Stamp”, both published abroad.

When in exile in north Kazakhstan Superfin was granted leave to seek medical treatment in Arkalyk, the capital of the Kostanay Region. Instead, he broke the rules and, for his own purposes, went to Tselinograd.

Superfin was also issued a ‘warning’ in accordance with the unpublished Decree of 25 December 1972. One of the ‘sins’ mentioned [in that document] was that he had collected information about other exiles.
