Human Rights Year continues, December 1968 (5.6)

<<No 5 : 31 December 1968>>

Readers of the Chronicle!

10 December [1968] was observed as Human Rights Day all over the world. Human Rights Year, declared by the United Nations, has now come to an end. From the five issues of the Chronicle to date, one may form at least a partial impression of how the suppression of human rights and the movement for them has been taking place in the Soviet Union. Not one participant in this movement can feel his task is ended with the end of Human Rights Year. The general aim of democratization, and the more particular aim pursued by the Chronicle, are still to be achieved.

The Chronicle will continue to come out in 1969. The Chronicle is in no sense an illegal publication, and the difficult conditions in which it is produced are created by the peculiar notions about law and freedom of information which, in the course of long years, have become established in certain Soviet organizations. For this reason the Chronicle cannot, like any other journal, give its postal address on the last page. Nevertheless, anybody who is interested in seeing that the Soviet public is informed about what goes on in the country, may easily pass on information to the editors of the Chronicle.

Simply tell it to the person from whom you received the Chronicle, and he will tell the person from whom he received the Chronicle, and so on. But do not try to trace back the whole chain of communication yourself, or else you will be taken for a police informer.