The Trial of Barladeanu, Aug 1980 (58.12)

«No 58 : November 1980»

From 11 to 13 August the trial of Vasily Vladimirovich Barladeanu (b. 1942) took place in Rovno. Barladyanu’s defence counsel was the barrister A. S. Krinitsyn from Odessa. About thirty witnesses, Barladyanu’s fellow-camp inmates, were questioned at the trial.

Barladyanu was sentenced under Article 187-1 (Ukrainian Criminal Code = Article 190-1, RSFSR Code) to three years’ strict-regime camp (strict, because he had previously served a sentence of imprisonment, CCE 46.3). His previous sentence had ended on 1 March (CCE 56).


The Trial of Olga Matusevich, Aug 1980 (58.13)

On 26 August Olga Dmitrievna Matusevich (b. 1953) was sentenced under Article 187-1 (Ukrainian Criminal Code = Article 190-1, RSFSR Code)  to three years’ ordinary-regime camp. Even her parents did not find out about the trial until after it was over.

Matusevich arrived in camp at the following address: 270059, Odessa- 59, penal institution YuG-311/74. Matusevich was arrested on 12 March (CCE 56). She is the wife of Ukrainian Helsinki Group member Nikolai Matusevich (trial, CCE 49).
