Additions & Corrections, March 1978 (48.25)

<<No 48 : 14 March 1978>>

N. N. Lepekhin (CCE 47, ‘The Helsinki Groups Under Investigation; ‘The Ginzburg Case’) was not a co-defendant of V. Pavlenkov; he has never been on trial. Pavlenkov’s co-defendant was V. I. Zhiltsov (ibid.).


The information bulletin The Case of Alexander Ginzburg and Yury Orlov (No 2), is not fully dealt with in CCE 47 (“Samizdat Update”).

It also contains documents of the Relief Fund for political prisoners for June-August 1977, evidence from the friends of Yury Orlov given to the press or sent to his Western defence lawyer, documents on the investigation in connection with Ginzburg and Orlov’s cases, and documents about political prisoners (the majority of these documents are summarized in CCEs 45-46).

The section “More About Petrov-Agatov” reproduces a manuscript of his, full of effusive compliments to Ginzburg.


CCE 47 said that Malva Landa was summoned to Chita for interrogation in connection with Orlov’s case (‘The Helsinki Groups Under Investigation’, ‘The Orlov Case’).

In fact it is unknown in connection with which case she was summoned: since Landa refused from the start to answer questions, the investigator did not tell her which case she had been summoned on.


The signatures of Birute Pasiliene and Alfonsas Pasilis appeared under the letter to Brezhnev and Carter (CCE 47, ‘The Right to Leave’) through a misunderstanding.
