Additions & Corrections, May 1977 (45.22)

<<No 45 : 25 May 1977>>

To CCE 44 (March 1977)

The report that in a search conducted in Tarusa on 6 February 1977 Lieutenant-Colonel Oselkov refused to allow Galina Salova to write comments on the record is incorrect.

In a search on 25 February Oselkov would not allow anyone to write comments on the record. He told Kronid Lyubarsky: “We have your autograph already.” Lyubarsky and Oleg Vorobyov complained about Oselkov’s conduct to the USSR Procurator’s Office. On 8 April the Tarusa district procurator, B.S. Yulin, read out to Lyubarsky the reply to the complaint: “Investigator Oselkov’s conduct was correct.”


On 20 January 1977, the day after an “interrogation without a record”, during which Vladimir Albrekht was threatened with “having his face smashed in” (“Concerning the Explosions in Moscow” CCE 44), he received an anonymous letter containing foul language and threatening physical reprisals against him.


Vladimir Kapoyan was sentenced under Article 64 (RSFSR Criminal Code) to 10 not 15 years imprisonment, and on a charge not of “attempted flight from the country” but of “espionage”.


Yevgeny Sorokin received a 12- not a 15-year sentence. He was an interpreter to the Soviet military attaché in Laos, where, at a certain stage, he defected.


Bogdanov was convicted under Article 64 (RSFSR Criminal Code) for stealing the core of an atomic reactor from his factory and attempting to sell it to foreigners.

According to him, he stole the core “to spite the bosses”. For a long time, unable to find a buyer, Bogdanov moved the core from one hiding place to another, but, seeing that its disappearance had gone unnoticed, he confessed to the theft and showed where it was hidden.


Oleg Vorobyov was registered at Alexander Ginzburg’s house in Tarusa at his own request.


The collection of materials Come out of it, my People, about the Pentecostalists, is not their own work. It was compiled from their materials by the Moscow Helsinki Group.
